So, you suspect that your senior loved one misplacing their things isn’t just simple forgetfulness and could potentially be dementia. What do you do?
As the community’s partner in health and a trusted home care provider in Pennsylvania at Uniquely Supreme Living Services LLC, our first advice for our patients has always been to consult their doctor for a formal evaluation and diagnosis.
That said, it helps to know exactly how serious their condition is. This can help you decide whether it is time to enlist the help of a provider of home care in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, for instance, as well as make difficult decisions regarding their care.
To help you get a gauge, here are tell-tale signs of dementia you must watch out for:
- Marked memory loss and confusion, especially on recent information
- Difficulty doing their personal routines and familiar tasks
- Difficulty in making judgments, planning, or solving problems
- Difficulty making, sustaining, and following conversations
- Social withdrawal and mood or personality changes
Does your senior loved one show one or two of the above signs? Don’t wait. For progressive conditions such as dementia, your elderly has more chances of getting a better prognosis the earlier they seek professional advice from agencies offering supreme care services.
Need help taking care of your senior loved ones in the meantime? We can support their needs while upholding their convenience. Get in touch with us today for more information.
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