Symptoms of dementia can increase the risk of falls, getting lost, slips, food-borne illness, mealtime accidents, and other unwanted incidents at home. Many of these accidents occur because of memory loss or loss of focus and concentration. Uniquely Supreme Living Services LLC is a Home Care Provider in Pennsylvania that can help supervise the safety of your elderly loved ones at home. Families can also improve the safety of their loved ones with dementia by:
- Using Signs to Indicate Entrances and Exits
Wandering is a common symptom of dementia, and if your elderly loved ones find themselves wandering outside, they could get lost and injured. You can reduce the risk of your elderly loved ones leaving home unattended by clearly marking doors with an exit or entrance sign. Having relevant contact information on their person at all times can also help them get home and assistance if they wander outside.
- Lock Away Harmful Tools and Appliances
Home appliances like blenders and power tools can cause injury for seniors with dementia. They can get confused or lose focus while in the middle of operating these appliances. Prevent this by locking harmful appliances and tools out of the reach of your elderly loved ones.
- Install Mobility Aids
Symptoms of dementia can increase the risk of falls at home. Avoid falls and slips by installing mobility aids like handrails, grab bars, and non-slip mats. Decluttering regularly also helps reduce the risk of falls at home for seniors with dementia. Our Supreme Care Services can also assist your loved ones with mobility at home.
For reliable care assistance, we offer Home Care in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. Call us at 856-481-2825 for inquiries. Our services include Dementia Care, Homemaking, and Non-Medical Home Care.
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