Over the years, vaccines have proven to have beneficial effects on our health, especially for immuno-compromised individuals like the elderly and those with comorbidities. Vaccines imitate the virus or bacteria that causes sickness, causing the body to produce antibodies. Once a person is infected with the disease-causing virus or bacteria, these antibodies will give protection.
Since seniors have weakened immune systems due to age, updating their shots annually is their chance at minimizing various health risks. Thus, our home health care agency, Uniquely Supreme Living Services LLC, would like to emphasize the importance of getting vaccinated annually. We encourage seniors and their families to protect themselves as much as possible by keeping their vaccinations up to date.
Vaccines are quite safe and can help prevent serious or life-threatening infections, such as the flu, pneumonia, shingles, whooping cough, and more. All of these immunizations have modest side effects, which may include discomfort, swelling, or redness where the vaccine was administered.
Consulting with your doctor or pharmacist about your medical history, including previous diseases and treatments, as well as any allergies is vital. If your senior has any of the aforementioned medical histories, our supreme care services will immediately inform the necessary medical professionals involved in their care.
As a home care provider in Pennsylvania, we can also help with keeping your loved one’s immunization record, noting the types and dates of their injections, as well as any side effects or difficulties.
If you are in the market for unique and reliable home care in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, we are the agency to call. Should your senior require supervision and assistance, feel free to get in touch with us anytime.
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